
I had the opportunity recently to photograph Mark and his family. Mark is a photographer here in Portland as well and I randomly became friends with him on Facebook, I think through a mutual friends post about photographers in Portland? Anyways, I was on the search for finding a family to photograph in Portland and I realized Mark and his family would be perfect! Little did I know that they are expecting a new baby! 

Kendyl + Kiley, two, true believers.

It wasn't easy getting here today
Sometimes you stumbled or I lost my way
But every roadblock was a chance to say;
Take my hand I'm here beside you.

We worked and made it through the toughest parts
Now every day is another chance to start
To look around and see where we are
It's where we were trying to get to

We are one heartbeat in the darkness
We are one lasting answered prayer
We are one unbroken promise
And we are two, true believers

Hannah & Ryans Mt. Tabor Wedding...on the Rainiest Day of the Summer!

On the day of their wedding, I woke up and looked at the weather. There was all kinds of weather advisories, power was out throughout the city, the wind was blowing like crazy. Needless to say, I was a bit worried since it was an outdoor ceremony and reception. But I just put the good vibes out into the universe, and made sure all of my equipment had its waterproof gear... 

Heather + Jason: Art & Nature in Seattle

Heather and Jason both have ties to the Midwest, as do I!
Fun Fact: Heather and I both had our first jobs at a local pizzeria in Quincy, IL. Jason was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma but then went to school at Missouri State University--- where he met Heather! After he graduated they decided to move to Seattle together so he could pursue music and she would continue her studies there. She knew she didn't want to stay in Missouri, so why not?! 

Cosmic Babe Mini-Portrait Series!

I realized how fun it was doing them so I just started picking other friends and people I follow on instagram and started the hashtag #cosmicbabeportrait . People really seem to love them and I love doing them so it's a win win for everyone! Here are the ones I've done so far!

Pacific Crest Trail

My first hike here in the Pacific Northwest was a short hike out to Dry Creek Falls. It falls along a section of the Pacific Crest Trail. In the short few hours I spent out on the trail I found that there was a certain magic that comes along with being alone in the wilderness. It's quiet and yet also loud, it's slightly scary and so so amazing. 

Portland, OR

So I haven't really got into the blogging part of my website much at all, but I decided this week that it's something I need to really focus on. So, here goes!!! :)
Hopefully some people will find this and enjoy it.